History of department surgical diseases 1 (1939-2012)

The department of hospital surgery was established in 1939 in Kursk Governorate Hospital. Nowadays the department is situated in Kursk Regional Hospital 11.

The first chief of department was Yan Martinovich Bune, who was staying on this position from 1939 till 1947. When in March 1937 the first Head Master of the institute V. I. Deshevoy was shelved to the order of the Central Committee department school, Peoples committee of Healthcare Service of RSFSR approved of the position of the chief of the department to be held by Bune. Yan Martinovich Bune was born 1891 in the Republic of Lithuania. In 1914 he graduated from Military Medical Adademy in Saint Petersburg. From 1914 till 1917 he worked as a doctor of the tsar army, and from 1918 till 1921 the Red Army. Since 1922 he started working as a practicing physician. During the evacuation period (1942 1944) Y. M. Bune worked as a surgeon in the evacuation hospital in Ural, and then in the 4th Ukrainian battlefield. From 1937 till 1938 Bune organized air medical service in Kursk. He wrote 12 scientific works. From 1944 he was admitted to the position of the chief of the surgeon department of Hospital Surgical Clinic. In 1946 the professor Bune made the first lumbar sympathectomy. The first assistants of the department were K. M. Petrova, A. N. Glynskiy, E. Y. Kuperman, D. P. Amelichev. The department worked on the problems of cranium firearm injurious effects, osteomyelitis, the significance of blood transfusion in the surgical diseases treatment. In autumn 1939 the departments trials were published in the first edition of the first volume of the institute scientific trials as well (A. N. Glynskiy The Problem of Nodosity Formation in the Intestinal Canal, E. Y. Kuperman The Casuistry of Kidney Hypernephroma Rhexis with Vast Pararenal Hemorrhage). Then in July 1940 the Glynskiys another article was published in the second edition of the first volume The Casuistry of Heart Wounds. Glynskiy was the first to defend Ph. D. thesis.

The professor of the Surgical Department Andrey Vasiliyevich Belichenko (1948 1959) made a significant contribution into the development of surgery in Kusrk Region.  He was the chief surgeon of the region as well. A. V. Belichenko was born in 1886 in the village Kamenniy Brod, Stalingrad Region. In 1926 he graduated from the medical department of Saratov University. From 1933 he became the assistant, and from 1942 the associate professor of surgical clinic in Astrakhan Medical Institute, worked on the problems of urology. In 1931 he defended Ph. D. thesis, in 1954 degree of doctor. He was the author of 36 scientific trials. During the time when A. V. Belichenko was the head of the surgical department, the department consisted of the associate professors A. N. Glinskiy, V. A. Kholod, G. A. Popov, assistants M. V. Jatkova, S. D. Sidorov, E. Y. Kuperman, I. G. Kotsyubinskiy (later a professor), V. F. Ivlev (later an associate professor), A. L. Kolmakova, A. P. Kuzmina, M. M. Ribakov (later an associate professor), V. I. Astafyev (now the academician of MAI), S. N. Polikarpov, residents V. M. Kurtsev, M. P. Khovrina. A. V. Belichenko worked up the precaution and treatment method of collapse with bromine pills. This idea was used in the Ph. D. thesis of M. V. Jatkova which was written under the supervision of A. V. Belichenko.  There were 6 other Ph. D. theses and 2 degrees of doctor defended under his supervision as well:

-         1951 A. N. Glinskiy;

-         1955 A. A. Shalimov (nowadays he is the member of the Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, professor, the head of the Kiev SRI of clinical and experimental surgery);

-         1957 I. G. Kotsyubinskiy, A. L. Kolmakova;

-         1958 M. M. Rybakov.

The surgical interventions on lungs, esophagus, intestinal canal, brain, aorta homoplasty, osteoplasty were practised in the department. The professor A. V. Belichenko was the first to perform an operation of Torek for esophagus cancer.

A. V. Kholod, the professor, the chief of the hospital surgery of KSMI from 1959 till 1972, contributed much to the development of the thoracic surgery in Kursk Region. Alexander Vasilyevich Kholod was born in 1908. Having graduated from Kuban Medical Institute he worked as a surgeon in the hospitals of republics of Middle Asia.  From 1937 till 1941 he was the assistant of the departmental surgery of KSMI. From 1941 till 1946 he served in the Soviet Army in the position of the first surgeon in front hospitals. After the Great Patriotic War A. V. Kholod returned to the department and worked there first as an assistant, then as an associate professor and in 1959 as the chief department. From 1962 till 1967 A. V. Kholod was a vice-principal of the institute, responsible for the scientific work. In 1948 he defended the Ph. D. thesis and in 1959 the doctor degree. In 1961 A. V. Kholod was admitted to the position of the professor, 30 trials belong to him. Together with Kotsyubinskiy I. G., Astafyev I. V., and Ivlev V. F., the professor Kholod A. V. began mastering surgical interventions on lungs. In 1960 he performed four commissurotomies for rheumatic heart disease and the first operation on patent ductus arteriosus with good results. 11 theses were defended under his supervision (S. N. Polikarpov, V. I. Astafyev, V. F. Ivlev, A. P. Kuzmina (The treatment of large postsurgical ventral hernia using alloplastics), V. K. Pavlov (Splenoportography in identifying gastric cancer prevalence), V. G. Shuklin, V. T. Golikov (The motor-evacuation function of the gall bladder of patients after gastrectomy), I. N. Storojenko). There was wide range of departments scientific works, however the main attention was paid to the pathology of digestive system. The problems of gastric malignant affects, ulcer, precaution and treatment of gastric postsurgical diseases were learnt in the department. The method of radiographic contrast study increased much the accuracy of topical diagnosis of cancer and its metastasis degree.

Another important direction of trials was the improvement of diagnostic methods and treatment of lung cancer and mediastinal lymph nodes. The original technology made in the department for identifying the prevalence of cancer process and its metastasis found a wide usage in practice.

A big attention was paid by the members of the department to the the problems of tela transplantation (due to the courses of stomatology as the part of the department at that period of time). This meant multistep anaplastic surgery of maxillofacial area along with cancer affects; the usage of alloplastics and other materials, for the restoration of large ventral, femoral, inguinal hernia, large vessels which come from heart. The members of the department when A. V. Kholod was its chief: associate professors V. I. Astafyev I. G. Kotsyubinskiy V. F. Ivlev, assistants V. T. Golikov (who was afterwards the head of the region heath service system and the deputy chief of the emergency hospital), A. P. Kuzmina, V. T. Vasilenko, E. F. Firsov (who was afterwards the professor, the chief of the radiology department in KSMU), Y. I. Edemskiy, V. A. Kholod (who was afterwards the assistant of radiology course in KSMU), V. K. Pavlov (who was then the associate professor of the department of traumatology and field surgery of KSMU), M. M. Milyayev (who later became the associate professor of the department), M. M. Rybakov, M. V. Jatkova, M. D. Polikarpova.

In 1972 Anatoliy Alexandrovich Chervinskiy was admitted to the position of the chief of the department of hospital surgery. The admission was competitive (5 candidates). A. A. Chervinskiy was born in 1922 in Sympheropol, Crimea. In 1950 he graduated from Crimean Medical Institute and worked as a practicing physician. From 1955 till 1958 he studied in the postgraduate school of medical education affiliated with the department of a hospital surgery of the pediatric faculty of the 2nd Pirogov N. I. MSMI. After graduating from the postgraduate school of medical education and defending the Ph. D. thesis on the topic: External respiration and pulmonary circulation for some forms of surgical diseases of lungs A. A. Chervinskiy started working as an assistant and then associate professor of the surgery department in Novokuznetsk Postgraduate Medical School. At the same period of time he was the chief of the chest surgery department in Novokuznetsk. In 1964 he was elected the chief department of the just organized department of chest surgery and anesthesiology. In 1965 he defended a doctor degree on the topic: Phlebography as the method of identifying the operability of cancer. A. A. Chervinskiy was the author of 134 scientific works, under his supervision 4 Ph. D. theses and 2 doctor degrees were defended. A. A. Chervinksiy paid much attention to the problems of pathologic physiology. He organized the department of intensive care where all practical physicians, residents, and interns mastered the methods of subclavian vein and laryngeal catheterization. A. A. Chervinskiy also paid attention to patient care before, during and after the surgery, during anesthesiology aid. Thus operated patients were protected. A. A. Chervinskiy increased the level of the gastroenterological direction. He preferred organ saved surgical interventions in stomach for ulcer treatment. These include different vagotomies (stem epiphrenic and subphrenic, selective proximal) with drain surgical interventions. He put into practice:

        economic gastrectomy (he was the first in clinic to identify the gastric release before surgical inerventions);

        terminal lateral gastro-duodenal anastomosis (Treitz copula dissection with gastro-duodenal anastomosis on a very short fillet);

        the elements of meticulous technique;

        intraoperative decompression of intestinal canal.

He was the first in Region Hospital to perform aortal-femoral bypass surgery, pancreaticodudenal resection. He knew about foreign techniques of treatment of surgical diseases, and he started lecturers for practicing physicians. Under his supervision cancer recanalization was made for treating esophagus cancer, the definition of volume blood circulation for the decision of the patient treatment management, abdominoscopy was used, trials were carried out together with the surgical department of liver and biliary tracts. Chervinskiy was different from others due to his high erudition, oratorical abilities, and the knowledge of foreign languages. At that period of time the following surgeons worked in the department: associate professors V. K. Pavlov, V. T. Golikov, assistants G. N. Strelezkiy, I. S. Vasilenko, G. A. Kosyakov (who afterwards became an associate professor of child surgery in KSMU), A. P. Kuzmina, M. D. Polikarpova, residents I. D. Zaikina (who then became the department chief of general surgery in Regional Hospital), interns V. N. Pshenichnikh, S. R. Istomin (who then became the chief of the department of purulent surgery in Regional Hospital), practicing physicians J. V. Rudenko, V. N. Slabov, V. S. Tolmachev (who then became the chief of the department of intensive care in Regional Hospital), V. P. Khmelevskoy, N. S. Sopin, P. I. Sigachev.

In March 1977 the professor Vatslav Ivanovich Savizkiy was admitted to the position of the chief of the department of hospital surgery. He was born in 1931 in Minsk Region in the village Vitovzi. From 1956 after graduating from Minsk Medical Institute he worked as a practicing physician in different hospitals. From 1960 till 1963 he studied chest surgery in postgraduate medical school at the department of facultative surgery in Minsk Medical Institute. After graduating he defended Ph. D. thesis on the topic: The Precaution and the Treatment of Cardiovascular Complications of Mitral Commissurotomy and worked in Grodnensk Medical Institute first as the assistant and then as the professor of the department of facultative surgery. In 1970 he defended a doctor degree on the topic: Venous Insufficiency of Lower Limbs, its Pathogenesis and Treatment. In 1972 Savizkiy was assigned the degree of Doctor of Medicine and in 1976 he became a professor. He had 50 scientific works. At that period of time the following people worked in the department: professor V. G. Gladkikh, associate professor V. T. Golikov, assistants S. N. Strelezkiy, V. N. Slabov, I. S. Vasilenko.

In 1982 surgical departments were reorganized and renamed by the order of the Ministry of Healthcare of RSFSR.

The department of surgical diseases 1 and critical care medicine with stomatology courses was organized in 1982 on the basis of hospital surgery department. From 1982 till 1993 the chief of the department was the KSMI graduate the professor Vladimir Grigorievich Gladkikh. He was born in 1935. In 1964 he graduated from KSMI with honors. After graduating from the institute by 1969 he worked as the chief of the department of surgery in Novosilskiy CRH in Orel Region. From 1969 till 1972 he studied general surgery in postgraduate school of  medical education in KSMI. In this period of time he defended Ph. D. thesis. From 1969 till 1973 he worked in the position of the assistant of the facultative surgery. From 1973 till 1974 he worked as the surgeon-in-chief of Region Health Association of Orel, however after that he returned to his previous position. In 1978 he defended a doctor degree on the theme: The Significance of Communication Vein Insufficiency in the Pathogenesis of Lower Limbs Primary Varicose Vein Disease. He worked as a surgeon in Ethiopia. As soon as he returned he was admitted to the position of a professor. In 1982 he became a chief of the department of Surgical Diseases #1. V. G. Gladkikh was the author of 60 published works. Under his supervision 5 Ph. D. theses were prepared for defense (V. S. Sukovatikh The Clinical Significance of Varicose Veins of the Footstep when Varicose Vein Disease of Lower Limbs Takes Place, G. V. Troyanov Combination Surgical Therapy of Lung Abscess, etc.), he got 7 inventors certificates. V. G. Gladkikh was the President of the Region Scientific Association of surgeons, the freelance chief surgeon, the chief of the region gastroenterological centre, the member of the region council of medical examination of the population. The professor Gladkikh was studying the role of communication veins in the development of varicose vein diseases of lower limbs for almost twenty years. He found the pathogenesis significance and worked out the new methods of the insufficiency diagnosis. It was for the first time that the footstep topography-anatomical communicative vein structure was described. More than that clinic-anatomical variants of lateral varicose and the principles of its diagnosis and surgical intervention were described as well. These works found practical usage in our country. While V. G. Gladkikh was the chief of the department, its membership was the following: associate professors M. M. Rybakov, S. F. Vorotintsev, V. F. Zubarev. Assistants: G. N. Streletskiy, I. S. Vasylenko, B. S. Sukovatikh, G. V. Troyanov (who was afterwards the deputy chief doctor of the Kursk Regional Hospital), V. N. Mishustin,  N. N. Grigoriyev, O. I. Okhotnikov, A. V. Ivanov, A. B. Gorpinich, V. A. Sergeev (who was afterwards the associate professor of the oncology department of KSMU), V. A. Lazarenko (who was afterwards the professor of the department of surgical diseases #1 of KSMU), M. M. Milyayev (who was afterwards the associate professor of the department of surgical diseases 1 of KSMU). Together with the practicing physicians of the hospital the department worked on the trials (V. N. Slabov (the chief of the department of  purulent surgery), V. N. Ananicheva (the chief of the department of proctology), S. R. Istomin (the chief of the department of general surgery), J. V. Rudenko, A. A. Snegovaya, I. D. Zaikina, etc.).

Many talented surgeons were brought up by the department of hospital surgery (surgical diseases 1) who have worked in native city, university clinics (the professor I. G. Kotsyubinskiy, associate professors G. A. Kosyakov, V. T. Golikov, V. K. Pavlov, assistant, now the professor, B. S. Sukovatikh, etc.). Many surgeons were the chief doctors of surgical clinics in other cities of the country (A. N. Glinskiy, V. I. Astafyev, V. F. Ivlev). For the period of departments existence the new instrumental methods and methods of physical examination, surgical heart, great vessels, lungs, esophagus interventions, reconstructive surgical digestive tract and bile passages interventions were mastered and practised in Kursk Region.

Since 1993 Sergey Victorovich Ivanov has been the chief of the department of surgical diseases #1. S. V. Ivanov was born in 1952. He graduated from the KSMI in 1976. In 1981 he defended the Ph. D. thesis on the theme: The Hemostasis after Hepatectomy. In 1990 he defended the doctor degree on the theme: Anatomical and Atypical Hepatectomies. Nowadays he tackles a problem of the complications of choledocholithiasis, pancreatonecrosis treatment, lung purulent diseases treatment. Under his supervision 8 Ph. D. theses have been defended (O. I. Okhotnikov, V. I. Temirbulatov, A. S. Lebedev, I. S. Lunyova, Y. P. Seleznev, O. S. Gorbacheva, D. A. Sergachev, S. N. Doljenko). He was the academic adviser of 4 doctor degrees (V. A. Lazarenko, O. I. Okhotnikov, N .N. Grigoriyev, Y. P. Seleznev). During 6 years under his supervision 3 people graduated from the postgraduate school of medical education and defended a degree. Nowadays he is the advisor of 5 Ph. D. theses and 3 doctor degrees. He has 159 scientific works and 13 utility inventions. He is the member of the All-Russian Problematic Issue Committee of Urgent Surgery and the Corresponding Member of RANS. The main scientific directions of the department are: hepatopancreatobiliary zone surgery, thoracic surgery, and the methods of minimally invasive surgery.

The approximate theme of theses are:

1.     The surgical treatment of pancreatonecrosis.

2.     The surgical treatment of obstructive jaundice and cholangitis.

3.     The treatment of lung abscess and pulmonary gangrene.

The members of the department take part in the All-Russian congress of surgeons, plenary sessions of All-Russian association of surgeons, regional and other conferences.  For the last 5 years the technique of fibroblast cultivation transfer into the destruction sphere of lungs has been worked out in the clinic of surgical diseases; the technique of early draining bronchus obstruction of the abscess sphere which decreased the time of treatment and the percent of purulent lung diseases; the role of immunomodulatory qualities of calcium hypochlorite in the generalized peritonitis and abscess treatment, minimally invasive methods of pancreatonecrosis and choledocholithiasis treatment, etc.

The department has modern software (the system of accounting discount and analysis of patients suffering from pancreatonecrosis for carrying out trials and data statistical analysis), access to internet and personal site  (

The essential part of modern organization of teaching is its demonstrativeness. With this mind the teaching process of the department includes video materials on the topics: Surgery with Little Access, Hepatectomy with the Usage of Sonyfier, Endoscopic Abdominal and Thoracic Surgery, Endovascular Thrombolytic Surgery, Reconstructive Vascular Surgery longing all in all for 11 hours. There are also multimedia lectures on the topic: Pancreatonecrosis and Vein Insufficiency.

Methodological recommendations for students and doctors are published by the department. Methodological instructions for students are mastered for students with the aim of optimizing the pedagogue process. New methods of treatment are thought up in order to make population health of Kursk Region better. The educatees of the department work in Moscow, Belgorod, Jeleznogorsk, and Orel clinics, regional centres, giving their labor for good of people health.

The trials in the sphere of pancreatico-biliary zone surgery are very up-to-date not only for Russia but also for the Central-Chernozemic Region with its great scientific and practical potential. The development and young scientists inflow is necessary for working in medical faculties in Orel and Belgorod and practical healthcare systems.

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